Saturday I got to spend most of the day sewing with my BQF (best quilty friend). Would you like to meet her?
This is my friend Robin and she is the one who taught me how to quilt using my Bernina. So it's her fault there is a new quilting blog in the neighborhood. All her fault. :) I packed up my sewing machine and all my sewing tools and headed over to her house. Now WHY in the world would you go to all that trouble, you say? Well, she's really good company for one, and two . . .Robin, her projects, her ideas and her sewing room INSPIRE me!
Love this banner, and I want to make one!
A little part of her stash with a featherweight hanging around . . .yep, it works,
If Robin had the desire to try, she would be a smokin' good quilt blogger. I kid you not! She is good at everything she does. She sews, she knits, she is an excellent writer and actually did a blog for a while, just not about quilting. She does not do things halfway. Here is an example of what I mean. When she started to really get into knitting, she started her own knitting podcast. She bought a lamb and a spinning wheel and learned how to spin her own yarn! Are you KIDDING me??? I told you she doesn't do things half way. Here are a few things out of the many, many she has made.
Sweater and headband
The Baa-bie Hat. A popular free pattern.
A beautiful knitted "quilt"
Robin has been sewing in one form or another since she was a little girl but quilting for only about the last 8 years when grandchildren started appearing. Here are her first two quilts she ever made. She was good at it from the start!
First quilt ever for her first grandson
Second quilt ever made for her first granddaughter. These were both found in a 2008 issue of Quilting Magazine. Did you notice they both have prairie points on two of the corners? And applique! She just jumped right in!
Here is a table runner she made when she decided she better start using up her own stash and not go buy anything new.
Here is another quilt she is working on right now all from her stash. Is this the cutest or what??? Just waiting to be quilted.
Here are some of her favorite blocks from this quilt. I think the fabric line was Vintage Market.
Here are two projects she was working on yesterday. Having recently welcomed her 2nd granddaughter in to this world (7th grandchild total), she is busily making teething rings . . .
and patchwork bibs.
Her granddaughter's name is Wren and she made the greatest birdy flannel quilt for her.
Here is the back
Closeup of birdy with party hat
There is the cutest story about this particular granddaughter's name. One day, Robin was talking to her mom and telling her that her daughter had decided to name the baby Wren and her mom immediately said, who in the world would name their kid after a bird? Robin looked at her and said, You?? I just cracked up when she told me about this.
To be fair, her mom didn't name her after a "bird" but after a character in a book she had read so she didn't consider it naming her after a bird. Still . . . too funny!!
So that's my BQF, Robin and just the tip of the iceberg of things she has created. I hope you had fun "meeting" her.
I'm still plugging away at the green and purple chevron and hearts quilt. Here is the result of the tedious HST trimming I did on Saturday. Bleh. Talking about Robin was waaaaay more fun.
Since I have so few things to show yet of my own, I'll probably be sharing her creations once in a while if that's ok with her!
Thanks so much for stopping by. Please do come again!!
Linking to:
Monday Making at Love, Laugh Quilt
Main Crush Monday at Cooking Up Quilts
Design Board Monday at Bits N Bobs