Finally, I had a Dreami Moment where I just had to drop everything and make it. I'll be linking to Sandra's linky party , the inventor of this new quilting term.
I still have no quilts of my own and the few mini quilts that I have made are decorating my office walls at work. I had to brighten that place up! My plan is to collect one or more mini quilts for each season so my first one will be one made from a free mini pattern designed by Alison at Cluck Cluck Sew called I Heart You. Thank you, Alison!

Here is my fabric pull and some of the pieces cut out . . .
If you have ever wondered why patterns sometimes say read the pattern through before you start sewing, this one would be a perfect example. The largest heart in this mini calls for a 12 x 12 piece of fabric. I didn't have that size of piece in the fabric I wanted to use so I wasted sewing time piecing together a 12 x 12 piece. Silly me! What I didn't realize, is that was only the starting point. The pieces for the heart were to be cut from that and the scrap that I had would have been just fine for the smaller pieces needed So learn from me! I'm sure some of you more experienced seamstresses probably wouldn't have made that mistake.
Here is my progress so far and I hope to have this finished later today!
In unpacking some more boxes from our move (yes I am slooooooow at this) I came across the very first thing I ever made on a sewing machine. Even back then I had the quilt piecing DNA in me and just didn't know it!
My mother wasn't a quilt maker but she made a lot of our clothes and doll clothes growing up and she let me play around with the scraps. She showed me how to sew a straight seam and the rest is history. I took a piece of fabric and just started adding scraps to the sides of it until I had a piece big enough to make a pillow. I don't remember my age when I made this but I think it was around 8 or 9. Notice that the bright neon pink fabric is the biggest piece. Even as a child I loved bright loud colors! Can you guess about what year this was? Don't worry, I am not sensitive about my age so I won't be insulted if you guess way wrong. Hee! Hee!
Poor thing could use a good wash!
Along the lines of nostalgia, when my sister visited me a few weeks ago she handed me this mysterious box!
You can already tell by looking at it that is is pretty old. I am guessing from the 70's. Inside was a project I had started years ago and got bored with and never finished so gave them to my sis. My sis doesn't throw anything away. She saved this all these years and gave them back to me. Crocheted granny squares!
I'd love to hear about the very first thing you ever made! Please share in my comments!
Linking to:
Crazy Mom Quilts
Busy Hands Quilts
Confessions of a Fabric Addict
Throw Back Thursday