
Sunday, April 28, 2019

Knocking Out UFO's & Other Fun Stuff

I am making a conscious effort to finish up some old projects hanging around and actually got one of those UFO's to a finished top yesterday!  (for those not familiar with quilt lingo, UFO means Unfinished Object).

The last time I worked on this particular project was November 26, 2016.  My sewing room was in the basement of a little farm house we had remodeled from the framing studs out.  I loved that little house.

And here is the finished flimsy!  It was made with 2 charm packs and 2 mini charm packs, plus the sashing.   It would probably look better with some additional borders but I am leaning more towards just getting it finished and calling it good.  This picture is kind a boring as it doesn't allow you to see all the fun fabrics.

The sashing does a good job of imitating embossed leather.

Since there are quite a few farms and ranches where I live, 
it seemed like a good choice for a good boy quilt. 

On another topic, I recently joined a quilt swap.  The only rules were 24" x 24" or smaller. (It doesn't have to be square), Civil War reproductions, a label, with a deadline of mailing by April 30th. 

I received a wonderful Trip Around the World quilt from Robin Boggan and a beautiful little pin cushion which I have already put to use as I finished up my cowboy quilt.  I love this little quilt and will hang it in my sewing room.  Even love the fabric on the back.  :)  I love that old-fashioned look!

Back side

I think I already showed this once, but here is the quilt that I made and sent out this week.  I don't think my swap partner has received it yet.

I also received two wonderful house blocks from quilting friends of mine to help me get closer to finishing my house quilt!  The picture I took doesn't do Ann's purple block justice.  It is much richer and vibrant than this picture shows.

This one is from Velda at the Freckled Fox Quiltery.  
I just love those dapper foxes filling the front door!

I need two more to finish my quilt.  One will be coming from Jennifer and I made one more today.   After I loaded this picture into the blog post, I realized I didn't like it!  I don't like the dark border around the star so I went searching the stash for something different.

Hmm!  Better, but I'm still not sure I like it.  Before it was too dark and now too light.  
Unfortunately, I don't have a lot of pink in my stash so this is going to have to do.

I think in the overall scheme of the whole quilt, it will fit in ok.

I don't have room on my design wall to add one more row. 
I'm probably going to be rearranging the order anyway as soon as I get that last block.

I'm just about ready to put this baby together!  Each block is 16.5 inches so it will measure 66 x 82.5  My friend Jessie is not a fan of less than bed size quilts and she thinks I should put one more row down the side!  Yikes!  Do I have five more houses in me?  I just might.

Oh, speaking of Jessie.  She is working on a fun method of making denim quilts which is a quilt as you go method.  I have GOT to try this!

Here's what the back looks like.  Isn't that cool?  
After you sew all the rows on, you're done!  The batting is already inside!

I have not been making very good progress on my Block of the Month project.  Do you remember me saying I have fallen in love with Civil War Reproduction fabrics?  I started making a second version using those fabrics.  Yes, I know, I'm CRAZY!!  Modern fabrics and colors seem to be the popular trend in quilts these days but I am drawn to these old fashioned looking fabrics and colors.

I haven't sewn the roofs on yet.  I was debating on whether to give them all the same roof or keep it scrappy with a variety of colors.  I cut out these but am leaning toward scrappy.  

I am so indecisive!!

 Which do you think would look nicer?
Linking to:


  1. I like the look of all the same fabric for the roofs on your civil war houses. You sure have been busy girl-keep it up;)

  2. I like the way you've fussy-cut the roofs. I'd say since the houses themselves are just two colors, the roofs should be the same. But of course, it all depends on what spur you have under your saddle, lol. Enjoy the decision making. And congrats on getting some of those UFOs out in the open - I'm working on doing exactly the same thing :)

  3. I always like bed size quilts too - if they aren't bed size what do you use them for? We do not use quilts when watching tv or whatever in the living room the house isn't cold. I drape a few smaller ones over the edge of furniture but would have way too many - but then I have way too many bed size quilts too:)

  4. Good for you getting that top done. I have a stack of UFO's I really need to deal with. I think for the house blocks I would make them all different.

  5. Fun to see everything you're working on! I love your swap quilts and all the house blocks, too. That rainbow of houses is going to be a beautiful quilt - no matter what size you make it!

  6. You have been busy. Great job getting those UFOs closer to a finish. Thanks for linking up with Oh Scrap!

  7. wow, you've gotten so much done! How's that feel? lol
    If you have a king bed then another row means they will be hanging sideways right?

  8. Those cowboy blocks are really cute, lots of variety. Since you enjoy the old reproduction fabrics maybe you would enjoy researching more about the history of fabrics and quilts. I have a collection of 19th century quilts and it is fascinating to be able to date the quilts by the fabrics you finD in them. There are a couple of good books that help to identify the age of different fabrics.

  9. Wow! Lots going on in this post! First of all, I love those cowboy fabrics in your UFO! Are the mini charms raw edge applique?? What a neat idea! What pattern did you use for that? Your swap mini quilts look great, both the one you sent and the one you received. So fun! And then there's your houses...OMG, the bright ones are soooo close to being done. That's going to be a BIG and wonderful quilt! But I know it's the repro ones that are filling your brain these days. They really do look sweet and old fashioned, like an older neighborhood :) I'm really on the fence about the roofs. On the one hand, I do love scrappy. But having a bit of consistency between blocks helps tie the whole piece together, you know? Now I'm thinking I want to add little houses to my RSC blocks...

  10. Your blog, today, was filled with delicious quilts. Swap block was soooo cute.I just love the minis. After looking at your house blocks, I want to make one. I like the first and second one. Where can I get the patterns. Need measurements. The finished UFO is just SMASHING!. Diane

    1. Hi Diane, So glad you enjoyed your visit! And thank you for the compliments! Did you know you are a no-reply commenter? The only way I can reply to you is right here, unless you leave your e-mail address in the comment. The block pattern for the house blocks was designed by Sandra Walker at If you go visit her website you will see a link to the house block pattern on the right hand side of her blog page.

  11. Love all those house blocks together!!!! For your civil war houses, I like the roofs as you have them but scrappy is always good, too! See, I'm no help :)

  12. Hello There!
    Your cowboy for a boy quilt is stinkin' cute! I love it and, yes, the sashing looks like leather...reminiscent of a saddle maybe? I love your house quilt - both of them. I prefer the brighter colors, especially of the 1930's. However, one can never go wrong with the Civil War era - or whatever our heart draws us to. Your swap quilt is gorgeous - as is the one you received! That quilt-as-you go looks fun! Thank you for sharing such a fun-filled post!

  13. I’m envious of all the Quilty goodness I see here!

  14. Let me start out by saying that those feathers on your swap quilt are ROCKING! I'm sending all feather work to you from now on :) I'm totally in love with the rainbow houses, I could get behind another row.

  15. Hi Janice! Wow - lots of fabulous quilty news in this post. Big congrats for finishing that UFO from 2016. I think the fabrics are so cute, and I probably wouldn't add another border - but whatever you choose will be perfect. I just LOVE each of those house blocks. I would spend so much time pouring over each and every one of these cute pieces. It's fun having blocks from friends in the piece too, isn't it?! Finally, that denim QAYG piece looks so interesting. Hmm, I'm going to have to check that out. ~smile~ Roseanne

  16. I too am drawn to the 1800's reprints, because the "modern" style prints will be so out of date by whenever I finish a quilt that no one would want it! (it only takes a short while for something to be so out of date anyway!) However with the 1800's fabrics I feel they work for any gender and any time. I too also think that quilts should be bed sized, and my extended family prefer KING sized! YIKES on getting $$ to get that baby quilted!

  17. Love both your house blocks! Congrats on getting one of the UFOs to finished flimsy stage, that has to feel good.

  18. Love both the house blocks and go scrappy on the little roofs. Congrats on the UFO finishes! I have UFO's older than my kids.

  19. Those house blocks are so yummy and they make such a welcoming neighborhood. I bet finishing a UFO feels terrific. Love the sashing fabric. You say leather, I say chocolate :-)


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