
Monday, March 25, 2019

I Need a Few Testers

Not pattern testers, blog testers.  I've been told that leaving a comment on my blog is a complicated process and a pain in the neck!   I didn't know anything had changed.  Could a few of you leave a test comment on this post and let me know what you have to do?  Then I'll better know what I am dealing with.

Thank you!


OK, I think it's fixed now and it turns out that the reason a few of you have to click on captcha pictures has to do with your privacy settings.  Rebecca at Cheeky Cognoscenti explained it this way:

"No icky Captcha pictures to click on -- yay!! I was having that problem when trying to comment on other blogs, not just yours, and for me at least the problem was on MY end, nothing that you were doing. I'd gotten a new Mac computer and the default privacy settings for Safari were blocking cross-site tracking. That prevented your blog from being able to "see" that I was logged into my Google/Blogger account as me to verify my identity. Once I clicked the checkbox to allow cross-site tracking, I just see that little thumbnail picture of my face next to "Comment as: Rebecca Grace" under the text box. I click on Publish and now it goes right through instead of endless rounds of attempting to prove that I'm a human."

Thanks Rebecca!


  1. I don’t seem to have a problem Janice. Hope you get it sorted.

  2. testing here - didn't seem like a problem but after I finish I will let you know in another comment if there was trouble after I wrote it out

  3. Hi Janice! I had no issues - I clicked on Post a Comment, a separate window opened and then I'm able to type this message. Then I'll click on Publish Comment, and it waits for your approval. I hope that helps. ~smile~ Roseanne

  4. Oh the fun and games of blogging, it’s almost as good as politics 😂

  5. No problems here, Janice. I hope the bugs get worked out of it for you if there are any in it. It’s no fun having to fool with computer problems. I hope everything improves for you.

  6. I was able to do it, but don’t think you can reply

  7. No problem here! I'm sorry I haven't left a comment more often! I might have missed a few posts recently because we were out of town. I'll go look!

  8. No problem here. Very easy to find where to comment, click "Post a Comment" and there it goes! I'm using a Google Account, if that makes a difference.

  9. Easy peasy! The problem may be with those who do not have a google account?

  10. P.S. I will just mention that last week I had some problems and I’m not sure if it was up with your blog. When I went to publish it kept coming up with pictures of cars and saying check all the boxes with cars, and that sort of repeated and repeated several times very frustrating. If that’s what the other people are talking about, maybe this mention will jog some memories.

  11. Here's my comment. But I bet I receive a mailer daemon because you won't get notification via email on my comment. It seems blogger/blogspot does not recognize verizon email addresses.

  12. Works for me! Easy peasy. I wonder if it's tougher for people who don't have a blog, or don't have a google account.

  13. Hi there! I’m posting from my phone. So far, so good!

  14. I never have a problem commenting. Glad to hear it's fixed.

  15. Testing, 1, 2, 3,..

    Looks like exactly the same process as commenting on any blog.

  16. Leaving a test comment from New Zealand via my mobile phone. Hope it works.

  17. Leaving a test comment from New Zealand via my mobile phone. Hope it works.

  18. Linda, I got your comment. Thank you! Did you know you were a no-reply commenter?

  19. Hi Janice -- I commented at 10:31 east coast time. Hope the settings work for you.

  20. Yep, it did! And the inky Captcha is I'm not a robot... easy peasy.

  21. I'll try again. My comment didn't show but I did get a mailer daemon as I said in my initial comment because of my darn verizon account.

  22. no problem, maybe there was a glitch?

  23. Glad you got it worked out. I’m having difficulties commenting on assorted blogs and it’s so frustrating. I haven’t figured out the common denominator, yet.

  24. Hi! Still waiting for our snow to melt..... Yours, and some other blogs I follow, have an added step to identify all the (traffic lights or cars or fire hydrants, etc.) and while it is annoying, I guess it stops auto trollers.

  25. I'm commenting now after following the link to "view original" post. It looks like from here I am signed in on my Google account and may need to prove I'm not a robot using a reCAPTCHA prompt.

  26. The Captcha thing wasn't nearly as awful as many are lately. I don't know what the deal is but some blogs it seems I have to keep clicking on pictures FOREVER. Yours was a few crosswalk photos and it let me post the test comment. On the blogs where I have to jump through hoops forever, it does make me not comment because it is so annoying. I don't mind one quick set of pictures but more than that and I just stop.

  27. You are never a bother! It’s working fine for me. Only time I have to click on pictures is if I try to leave a comment under 'name/URL' when I can’t leave one the regular way.

  28. I'm not sure if I've ever left a comment on your blog before, but seems pretty simple.

  29. Me again! Actually it was a lot easier than some. Just typed in the comment box and hit publish. Some of them you have to mark each of the pictures with certain objects, usually more than once, and it's a pain. Thank you for your blog. Love it!

  30. Hi. Sorry I was actually sewing this AM.

  31. Not a problem for me :-)
    Now be a doll and leave a comment on mine...Just because :-D

  32. No issues that I found here leaving a comment!

  33. Tra-la-la-la! This is my test comment!

  34. No icky Captcha pictures to click on -- yay!! I was having that problem when trying to comment on other blogs, not just yours, and for me at least the problem was on MY end, nothing that you were doing. I'd gotten a new Mac computer and the default privacy settings for Safari were blocking cross-site tracking. That prevented your blog from being able to "see" that I was logged into my Google/Blogger account as me to verify my identity. Once I clicked the checkbox to allow cross-site tracking, I just see that little thumbnail picture of my face next to "Comment as: Rebecca Grace" under the text box. I click on Publish and now it goes right through instead of endless rounds of attempting to prove that I'm a human.

  35. Beautiful quilt and quilting! Thanks so much for sharing!

  36. Able to comment with no issues. Janice


I LOVE meeting new quilting friends and always respond to comments so I'd love to hear from you!