
Tuesday, July 18, 2017

I Just Had to Laugh

Some days you just have to shake your head.  It started out innocently enough with some really cute hourglass blocks which were required for a July Block of the Month block I was making.  OK, so far so good.  Really like these!

Next was to add units to either side.  So I did that, but whaaaat?  There goes a new addition to my set of "One of These Does Not Look Like the Rest" flash cards.

Small sigh . . . and out comes the seam ripper.  Thank you to the quilting angel that sent me a seam ripper recently, you know who you are.   It got a workout this week!

There we go!

These units are to go on the side of a block I had already made.
And another whaaaaat?  They are too big!

So I checked my directions and discovered that someone had hand changed the size of the white rectangles and the little green polka dot squares to be a 1/2 inch bigger, and unfortunately, the original instructions were correct!

So I guess, I can just trim off the extra and everything will be fine.  As I was doing this, I noticed that according to the instructions, I had sewn those white and green units on the wrong side of the hour glass squares anyway!  Remember the one up above that "does not look like the rest"?   Well, it was the only one that was right!

What is the matter with me?  I must have been too tired and should have not been sewing that night.   Anyway, needless to say I decided to stop and continue another day!  On days like this, I just have to laugh at myself and move on. 

 On the bright side, I got some VERY HAPPY MAIL!!   Myra Barnes, the queen of rainbow quilts, had a scrap giveaway.   She makes gorgeous quilts but she doesn't like dealing with the scraps so I entered that giveaway and won!  I got that package yesterday and had a good time sorting them by color.  I had fun teasing her a little bit and said either you don't like orange and purple very much, or you like them a LOT and used it all up.  Actually it's neither one.  She just likes to use what she already has and apparently her stash doesn't have a lot of purple and orange at the moment.  She effectively tripled the size of my self-imposed trailer-sized scrap stash.

I got a few more Stash Bee blocks completed this week but need to get them mailed off.  I don't think it counts for being on time unless you actually mail them.  This one is for Jennifer at The Inquiring Quilter.  Jennifer, I hope this is the ombre effect you were going for.   I struggled in a few places getting the points to match right, but after several rippings and resewings, finally had to call it good. I hope it is sufficient.  I'm going to blame it on trailer light.  Yeah, that's it.

The second block is for Karen in Hive #6 of the Stash Bee who requested string blocks . . .

And last but not least, is my June block which Julie graciously gave me a few extra weeks since this kind of all happened about the time we had to move out of our house.  Packing and moving do not mesh with sewing very well.  She requested the Houndstooth pattern which can be found at Blossom Heart Quilts.  This will look really cool put together with all the other blocks she receives.  If you follow the link to the pattern, you can see how it looks with other blocks.

I actually do have one more block to make for July, but I'll share that another day.

I don't really have a house update to share today but I will next time!  They are adding on the outside stone work this week.   

I have decided to go with hardwood for the floor in the quilt room and to help with any long standing up projects will get a portable cushy rug (well padded) for my feet.  Here is a sample of what that wood will look like.  We can't afford to do tiger wood in the whole house so I went with rustic in my quilt room.  This isn't actually wood, but an engineered laminate made to look like distressed wood.  Almost as tough as wood and a fraction of the cost.  

So that's my sewing adventures for the moment.  My goal for this week is to finish that fourth block, and get all of them mailed.  MAYBE finish that ornery BOM that I kept goofing up on.  I have begun referring to myself as Miss One Block Wonder since that is all I have been finishing lately.  I am DYING to finish an actual quilt!  

Thanks for stopping by and hope you'll stop by again soon!  
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  1. Oh, Janice, I think we've all had days like that! All your blocks look nice, and I'm sure you can fix those first ones shown, especially since you have to take them apart anyway. Tomorrow's another day! XO

  2. LOL There have been times where I just needed to walk away from my sewing because of the mistakes I was making! I hope that project goes well for you when you return to it. Congrats on that win! And on the new flooring! Your projects and floor are looking good.

  3. Oh Janice, reading your posts is always fun. I think you should rename your blog Janice's Quilting Adventures. I love your sense of humour. Great choice for your sewing room flooring, I really really like it. Of course I have a similar one in my home too :-)

  4. Sounds like you were having one of my days...giggle. I don't need any help from someone else changing the numbers either. Sure love your green block.

  5. Oh, no! If someone changed the pattern, then it is TOTALLY NOT YOUR FAULT! On the other hand, ya can't escape the "one of these things is not like the other" part :) I feel your seam ripper pain machine did NOT want to finish a binding today without skipping stitches over and over. Rip! Rip! Change the needle, no help. Rip! Change the thread, no help. Rip! Sew faster, nope. Rip! Finally, changing the foot fixed it. What. The. Heck?!

    Well, you recovered nicely because your bee blocks all look very good. And I think the rustic engineered wood floors will be super in your studio :)

  6. Ha! Laughing sure beats my fall-back position of swearing! Love that houndstooth block I have it as one of my wish list quilts.

  7. I've had days like that. Heck, I've had WEEKS like that! All of your blocks look fabulous, that bundle of rainbow scraps is beautiful, and I am seriously crushing on that floor - I think it will be amazing in your quilting studio!

  8. Must be something in the universe, I did a lot of ripping lately too. Sewed and ripped the same thing 3 times! Your floor will be wonderful. What a score you got from Myra-a win win for you both.

  9. Yikes, I have had sewing days like that and they are just the pits! I do the same as you when it happens too... Stop and go back to it later when I'm fresh and ready to tackle it. Yay for getting bee blocks finished, yours look great! Love the flooring you chose for the sewing room; it looks amazing!

  10. Lots of sewing adventures! Tonight I walked away from a project as well. Tomoroww is another day....

    Yea for you getting scraps! My friend loves getting all my scraps! She just asked for them a couple of weeks ago and I gladly complied! It's so liberating! :)

    She is an artist so I'm really curious what they will become!


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