
Friday, September 28, 2018

Ashley's Quilt in the Dorm & Idaho Pillow in Progress

Ashley's quilt has been delivered and she graciously sent me a few shots of her new quilt in her dorm room.   If you want to read the story of this quilt, you can read about it here and here.   If the ceiling seems a little low it's because her bed is on risers to give more storage under the bed.  Ahh!  A quilt home at last.  :)

I had an unexpected project come up and we'll see how it goes.  This is the first time I've made an envelope pillow.   I'm making an Idaho pillow for an auction basket at work.   I'm just on the quilting part and haven't sewed it together yet.  Here's what I have so far and I want opinions!

Idaho Pillow in Progress

Should I keep it simple and leave it at this?  Or should I do some more quilting inside the state?  Perhaps some dense quilting? or the word "HOME" in cursive?  Any other ideas?  Or just leave well enough alone?  I LOVE when you guys brainstorm with me so let's hear what ya got!  You don't have to be a blogger to comment either.  Let's here from some of my friends here in Idaho!  What could I do to this pillow to get you to bid on it if you saw it in an auction?  (yeah, I know.  Finish it!)

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Busy Hands Quilts
Can I get a Whoop! Whoop!
New to Me

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Son #2 Your Quilt is Finally Started!

Two years ago, my son and I sat down and picked out a quilt design and fabric.  It's been so long, he can't remember what we picked!  So now, it's going to be more fun to make since it's going to be a surprise!   I told him if he really wants to be surprised, he can't read my blog anymore (not sure if he ever did, ha! ha!).

The day after I finished Ashley's quilt, I was on such a high that I was really motivated to get going.  I did this!   Yep, that is every single piece of the quilt cut and ready to sew!  Aren't you so proud of me? 

My son is a big fan of blue and also of simplicity.  Some of you may recognize from the colors alone whose design this is.  Can you guess?

Day 2 requires sewing 22 A's and 22 Cs together to create 44 HST's

Only 41 more to go.  UGH!  Thank goodness for Audiobooks while I'm pressing these open.  In order to not let the tedious parts slow me down, I have decided that I'm going to set a goal of working at least 15 minutes every day on this project and if I get bored doing that, I give myself permission to work on a different project.  Or . . . if I'm motivated to keep forging ahead on this after 15 minutes, I will!

Have you guessed what pattern this is yet?  

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Ashley's Quilt is Done!

Well, it took me almost two years but it's finally done!  YAHOO!!

I started this January 2017 with the intent of having it finished when my daughter Ashley started college that fall.  Not only did I not make that goal, I'm over a year late!  I don't think I'll be winning any Mom of the Year awards;  however, I used to hardly ever finish anything!  Ever!  So every finish is a REALLY big deal for me.  So I'm celebrating anyway in spite of the major lateness.  It's finished!!  Wrapping up in this quilt is a hug from me to you, Ashley!

  Now, if I can just get the finishes done a little sooner . . .

This quilt was made using a pattern by Erica Jackman who blogs at Kitchen Table Quilting.  I used a pattern she designed called The Betty Quilt.  This pattern goes together very quickly!  The thing that took me forever was the quilting.  I still haven't learned how to quilt less densely.

My daughter is going to be one of those crazy cat ladies so I had to include at least one picture of her cat on the quilt who has already claimed it as her own.

Fun discovery during the making of this quilt.  I was nearing the end and discovered that I hadn't ordered any fabric for the binding.  I went on Etsy and found the periwinkle polka dot fairly easily at a Etsy shop that is located about 45 minutes from me!  That NEVER happens.  Shout out to Phat Quarters for having just what I needed!

I think I mentioned before that this is my month as Queen Bee and I requested more house blocks like the ones I've been making.  I got my first one in the mail recently.  

Thank you for the orange house, Velda!  I needed orange!  (love the fussy cut door)  Velda blogs at Freckled Fox Quiltery and recently had a pattern design published!  Way to go Velda!

Here's a view of my new orange house with the others I have so far.

So, what is next, you may ask?  I have made quilts for two out of my three kids (and one granddaughter)  So son #2 got skipped . . . twice!   He is too easy going for his own good.  I would have been throwing a hissy fit that I got skipped if I was him.  I love that kid.   Believe it or not, I am halfway done cutting all the fabric for his quilt.  I've had the fabric and pattern for a long time and was excited to get going on it.  We'll see how long this one takes me to finish.

Wish me luck!

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Monday, September 3, 2018

Reroofing a House (Before and After)

So sweet to have two blogging buddies contact me this week to see if I was doing ok.  I wasn't sure why they were asking until I realized it had been a month since I did a blog post!  You ladies made my week and you know who you are!  💓💓

As you know if you've been following me for a while, I have been making random house blocks every so often using a design by Sandra at Mmm! Quilts!  I have been making them in different color ways and my most recent color was red.  Red is my favorite color so I couldn't figure out why in the world I did not like this house!  Here is the offending block:

Then someone made a comment to  me after I was lamenting that I did not like my red block but couldn't figure out why.  They pointed out that I wanted the block to read "red" but the roof reads more like white.  So I decided to reroof that darn red house block!

Here is the reroofed red block . . . Ahh, much better!!

Oh, I did something on a whim that is not like me.  I ordered myself a piece of furniture.  A new sewing chair!  I am blaming my fellow quilt bloggers for this one.  I saw this chair on somebody's blog (can't remember where now) as they had just ordered a bunch of them for a retreat center somewhere.    Maybe one of you saw that blog post?  Anyway, here she is!  I LOVE IT!!  And I didn't even know it when I ordered it but the seat lifts up for some extra storage.  It's perfect for keeping my BSR foot and walking foot very handy.  And the cushioned back is in the perfect spot to support my back when I'm sewing.  Love the color and the fabric too!

One step closer to having a "cute" sewing room.  Right now it's just messy.  Here is the one corner that looks halfway inviting.  It's just a chair for anyone who wants to come in and talk with me while I'm sewing.  And it's still got boxes and "stuff" piled around it.  It is a work in progress for sure.

Not only have I been neglecting my blogging but also my sewing!  I belong to a Stash Bee and I am soooo behind on getting our queen's blocks done.  I finished one tonight (please forgive me Sue!!)  

And Jen's block which was made a long time ago but never got mailed (I am TERRIBLE!)  These are both going in the mail tomorrow.  What is my problem?????

Last but not least, I am still struggling to keep at Ashley's quilt.  It took me forEEEEEVer to decide how I was going to quilt in between the lattice colors and finally went with one I've done before. Swirls.  I kinda like doing those.  I'm on the home stretch.  Yes, I did cheat and used the scallops on two different colors.  They are easy  and quick and I am soooo wanting to be done with this quilt!  Ashley, if you're reading this, yes I know YOU want me to be done too!

Oh, I forgot one more thing!  My son just informed me that I am going to have a third grandchild!  Oh my!  That was unexpected!  The last one just turned one not that long ago!  Well, I have to say those two really do create the most beautiful children so I am looking forward to meeting this new little one.  We're all hoping for a boy this time (two girls already) but if not, oh well!  

It's good to be back blogging again and I am hoping and praying that my good friend Kate (Smiles From Kate) is going to feel like sewing again soon.  What an awful ordeal she has been through!

I hope you all got lots of sewing time in these week and I'll close this blog post with a beautiful sunrise that I caught on the way out of my driveway last week.

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