
Wednesday, May 25, 2016

I'm Looking for Kaffe Fasset Fabric!

I remember someone commenting one time that they don't like blogs that all they do is talk about the fabric they found.  I will try to keep those kinds of posts to a minimum but since I spent all weekend at the track meet and didn't get any sewing done, this is all I have to share today.  And besides, I kind of LIKE seeing that kind of stuff.  I remember reading someone's blog recently where she bought over 30 yards of fabric!  For cheap!

I kept thinking, wow, stuff like that never happens to me . . . until today!

A lady who has been quilting for years advertised some of her stash on CraigsList for some great prices and I jumped at the chance!   She told me she was more into art quilting now and some of these fabrics just didn't work anymore.  She had a TON for sale and she said that was probably only 1/4 of her stash.  Sounds like a kindred spirit, eh?  

Here is what I bought.  I tend to like lots of color and will probably do something scrappy with these.

She must have been quilting for years because there were several dated 1996!

This one is a novelty that I found amusing . . .

Here are a few others that caught my eye, a pretty oriental fabric . . .

A retro fabric with big orange flowers.  Anybody recognize this?   Do you think it might be Kaffee Fasset?  Even if it isn't, I just like its retro vibe.

I have become an avid seeker of Kaffe Fasset fabrics!   I bought Kelly Young's (My Quilt Infatuation) Courtyard Tile pattern that is perfect for showcasing large scale prints and I need 20 fat quarters to make it.  So if anybody out there has some Kaffee Fasset  (or just some awesome large scale prints) lying around and you would like to trade for something else, I'm your lady!  I got such a good deal on this fabric today that I'll give you four fat quarters for one Kaffe Fasset FQ.  Show me what you've got and tell me what you're looking for!

My favorite find of the day was a vintage Kaffe Fasset piece.  I tried dating it but the site I found with past years of his fabrics only went back to 2009.   Here it is.  Anybody got any idea what year this is from?

I'm linking to Needle and Thread Thursday and Fabric Frenzy Friday hoping someone out there has some Kaffe Fassett for me!

Keep on creating!


Thursday, May 19, 2016

Second 2016 Finish!

FINISH!!  Celebrate with me!  You just really have no idea how big a deal this is for me.  I have been starting projects for years and probably say, the last 15 years, I've actually only finished 2 things.  I've never been a finisher but this year is going to be different!  This isn't a beautifully pieced make-you-go "oooo" quilt, but it's done!  And it's sold!

In case you haven't read previous posts, this fabric came in a layer cake from a Moda line called Storybook.  The layer cake had yellow, pink, and blue squares, enough to make three different baby quilts.  The first two were this size and the blue version is actually 16 squares.  I'll save that for the next baby boy one of my friends has.  This fabric is a beautiful brushed cotton so soft it feels like flannel.  On the back is a plush minky-like fabric in a beautiful peach and white design.  All quilted with a meandering stitch.

And THIS is what happens when you don't have a design wall, and leave your "in progress" stuff on the floor near an open window while the wind is blowing . . .

It took me about 20 minutes to put it all back together again and to try and remember which colors I had put with which!  Here is an update on my progress on Pretzel Twist.   It turns out you have to pay attention to more than just which colors go where, you have to watch which direction the block is supposed to face next.  I did not do that and had to rip apart at least 8 blocks and put them back in the proper order,  Ugh.   
Here is the view of everything corrected with a few new rows.  Can you see the difference?

I'm loving this quilt! 

This week I probably won't get a lot of sewing done as my daughter's state track meet is Friday and Saturday.  She qualified for state in three events!  Yahoo!  Here is a series of pictures showing  her running the 4 x 100 relay (she's the one passing the baton).  Gave me a chance to practice my photography!  Can you tell I'm a proud mama?  :)


Next week life will get back to normal!

Linking up with Needle and Thread Thursday at My Quilt Infatuation and
Let's Bee Social at Sew Fresh Quilts and
Carla at Silly Mama Quilts

WOW are there some gorgeous quilts going on out there!

Happy quilting!


Saturday, May 14, 2016

My Foray Into Long Arm Quilting

So you probably guessed by the title what I was doing yesterday!

I was taking a class on a long arm quilting machine.  Here she is!  I should have written down the model number, but it is a machine by Handi Quilter.   I took this class at the Blue Bird Quilt Studio in Nampa, Idaho.
That thing is huge!   I have now quilted once on my own machine and once on a long arm and at this point, I have to say I prefer my own little Bernina.  I felt so much more in control.  Yes, I know it probably is a lot easier to quilt a large quilt on the long arm, but it just wasn't as natural to steer.  Now I understand why they say "practice, practice, practice!"  I don't know how much time and energy I want to put into this just yet.  It costs $20 per hour to rent the machine and of course, much of that time would be spent pinning your quilt and backing to the rollers.

I had to share practice time with one other lady so didn't get to do a ton of practicing and my first attempt at this is just too sloppy for words!  Then I learned what a pantograph was.  I had no idea what that was!  Most of you experienced quilters already know but I will explain for my friends and family who probably don't know either.  This machine has a laser light that you point at a continuous line pattern that lays down on the table behind the quilt and wherever you move the laser light following the line pattern is also the same line the machine quilts for you,  That's a rough explanation.  It's much easier to follow an already created pattern than to have to think about what you're going to quilt.  (especially for beginners)  Here is what I did using a pantograph and even with the line to follow, I was very jerky.  Not yet smooth.  

Now I understand why they say it takes a lot of practice!  People who are already good at it just make it look so easy, don't they? 

I would love to hear from you long arm quilters about how long it took you to get comfortable quilting on a long arm.   Did you just jump right in or did you start out free motion quilting first? And which do you prefer?  I hope you'll share your experiences with me in the comments!

Eager to learn,


Sunday, May 1, 2016

Pretzel Twist

Yesterday, I was standing in line at the fabric store and saw this.  It has always been one of  my favorite magazines but I'm not yet a subscriber.  What is wrong with me?  Anyway, bought it.
Inside was this quilt designed by Jane Vaughn called Petzel Twist and I fell in love and immediately wanted to make one.  I don't have enough projects going on apparently.  Looks complicated at first glance, but I was delighted to find out how simple it is!   Love the illusion of  interlocking "chains".  
So since yesterday, this is what I have so far . . .

I have learned some things along the way and if anybody else saw this quilt and was wanting to make it, I have a few tips for you if you're interested.  My impatience made it harder on me than it needed to be.

Mistake #1.  This is supposed to be a quick and easy pattern for pre-cuts.  Jelly rolls in particular.  Well, I don't have any jelly rolls at the moment but I REALLY wanted to start so just started grabbing fabric that I had recently bought.  Dumb.  I had to cut all those 2  1/2" inch pieces myself instead of just slicing something off of a jelly roll strip.  

Mistake #2.  Using one designer's fabrics makes things a lot simpler to choose the colors.  I didn't.  Oh well, it is going to be a bit chaotic, but definitely colorful!

The other thing that will speed things up is if you have sewn ALL the prints and background strips together like this before you start deciding which two colors will go into each block.  Every single print rectangle gets a white square at the end (like the two on the right), and every single print square gets a white square and a white rectangle on either side (like the two strips on the left.  Here is an example of what each block consists of.  

Here is what the above strips look like arranged properly to make a block:
Every single block is sewn together in exactly the same way with the only difference being the colors and the fact that every other block is rotated a quarter turn.  TIP:  Pay close attention to what colors come next!  I've already had to rip apart one whole block because I wasn't paying attention!

In the meantime, I have also decided what I'm going to do with this coffee fabric.  

I had already ordered a book with coffee cup patterns in it but changed my whole plan and will be making placements and a table runner out of it.   Much easier!!  I'm so relieved to at least have a plan now.

Linking up this week to Oh Scrap! at Quilting is More Fun Than Housework  and am going to go explore some other blogs for some pleasure reading!

Also linking to Main Crush Monday at Cooking Up Quilts, Design Board at  Bits and Bobs, and Midweek Makers at Quilt Fabrication.

Happy quilting!
